Top 3 Things to do when Human Resources is not on your side

Human Resources - Because sometimes it's not all rainbows and sunshine!

We hope that most can’t relate to the post below. However if you do find yourself in a challenging situation and are facing a biased Human Resources (HR) representative then these 3 top things will help guide you if they aren’t on your side:

My clients often hear this and now is no exception. Put things in writing. If things escalate, you may need to show that you made efforts to solve an issue or show that HR didn’t help. Here’s 3 key things you can do...

1. Report any (possibly) illegal activity

If you’re trying to report any behavior you believe is illegal, you’ll likely need to go to an outside government agency, like the Fair Work Commission in Australia or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in North America or Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service in the UK. And - if you’re not sure, give them a call - it’s free and confidential. Any complaints you have previously filed with HR can be used as evidence. 

2. Find another job

Know your worth and start looking elsewhere. Testing and going out into the job market can be empowering in itself. Please keep in mind that if you’re planning any type of lawsuit, it’s often better to be fired than to quit. Your company can claim that you left on your own and that you faced no real mistreatment.

3. Follow all company policies

Above all, document, document and document!

Keep written records of all communication and if it makes sense to, in key communications cc or bcc your personal email address, so irrespective of what happens you have a copy of the communications privately held (separate to your work computer/email) offsite. This becomes crucial if you find yourself being 'shown the door,' and have no records of what went on. Trust me - Your HR Ally or Lawyer will thank you for it. This will be your key into winning a legal case, if it comes to it!

Looking for more tailored advice.

We also offer in-person HR Ally support services. If you're called into a meeting, feeling anxious and unsure of what key areas to cover off on - then a support buddy will not only help bring calm to what can be a very emotional experience, they'll also know exactly what can and can't be asked and champion you!

We appreciate that these can be very stressful times and so for this reason, do allocate 2 Emergency Human Resources Support Ally bookings open each month, to help ensure you get the support when you need it the most and aren't able to provide more than a few days notice. We get it. If you're in this situation, it's beyond stressful - we've got you covered, we'll hold your hand through the process and help ensure you're best represented!

The Australian Government also realise the inherent power imbalance in a number of these processes so also provide some great guidance here:

Give us a call, we’re here to help:

Here’s to a more empowered you!


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