Formal Complaint: What HR wont tell you

Filed a formal complaint? Heard nothing or very little back? Feeling peeved?

Put a formal complaint into HR and not really heard much back other than: 

“We’ve taken the appropriate steps” ?

And you’re thinking how is that possibly the outcome of my complaint?!

One of the most common 1:1 Workplace Crisis Counselling calls we get, amount to clients finally gaining the confidence to put a complaint in to HR about a colleague, only to find that very little detail is provided on exactly what happened.

Well, here’s what you can expect - if your business has adopted good HR practices and if they haven’t - feel free to reach out. We offer 1:1 Support Buddy services, if you find yourself called in to a meeting and unsure or timid about your rights and what you can ask for. We’ll be there at the moment it matters. You don’t need to do this alone - We’ve got your back!

If your complaint and allegations were found to have merit, you may simply be told that the matter was "handled appropriately." You may feel a bit dismissed, like nothing was really done.

Here’s the deal - most likely, there are outcomes that you are specifically not told about because of concerns about the other party's privacy. 

Here are some real-life common examples: 

  • A disciplinary write-up, a reduced performance rating
  • Remedial training
  • Early retirement
  • First and final warning letter
  • Demotion
  • A big promotion denied; or 
  • A bonus that was withheld. 

You may never know exactly what was done to the offender. While I appreciate that this can suck - remember your complaint was dealt with confidentially. They have their privacy needs, too.

Wanting more of an insider perspective? Check out "How To Conduct An Investigation" by SHRM.

You do matter! Here’s to a more empowered you!

Asked into a meeting? Don't know your rights and feeling nervous about what to say, not to say and when to speak up?

We've got you covered with our 1:1 Support Ally service.

  • Bookable by the hour.
  • One of our HR legal experts will join you, in person or over video conference with your internal HR or Manager and champion you!

This is ideal - if you feel that there is an injustice, don't know what to do about it and want someone in that room alongside you, having your back and knowing exactly what to say and do. These sessions do book out, so give us a free call to discuss your confidential formal complaint and best possible options at:


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